Just a few "bee" shots from the garden over the past week now that the sun has decided to make a very welcomed and timely appearance. I love how lush and moist everything is--a nice respite from the typical dry, unbearable heat we normally experience in summer. The bees response to the sunshine is to immediately get busy. Here they are working the chive patch, see the one in the third picture with her little tongue sipping nectar from the flower?
As for me, this very moment I am officially on vacation... whoohoo!
I'm iching to dig into some good projects and a few ideas I've been kicking around. I know I keep saying this, but I really really mean it and I can't help but think that saying it will surely make it so! My time here has been so limited the past while; I can't wait to be spending more time in this space.
P.S. - Thank you for your very lovely comments recently, you are the best!