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oh Sushi is such a cutie! Happy Easter x


Fabulous, fabulous eggs. I wish I'd read this before Easter. Hope spring blows in soon for you.


Unbelievably cute! Love those eyes.

Do you have a special method for those muffin cups? Those look really nice.

Annie @ knitsofacto

Hello :) Just catching up here. Those muffins look delicious, thanks for the recipe!

Hard to believe you still have snow, it's been almost like summer here ... but I should add here that yours is the climate I'd prefer, give me cold over heat any day!

ellen kelley

I miss you and hope that all is well. You have always inspired me, tho. creepers I am a slug and have done not much forever...back and torn shoulder muscle.
However, the important thing is how much I have loved looking at your place and so admiring all that you do so well. I do keep going back and back to see your past loveliness and creativity...not for creepy reasons..just because you are such an inspiration.
Wishing goodness to you and all those whom you love, Ellen.

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