It was -39 celcius this morning, -47 with the windchill... which I'm sure has been the coldest day we've had all winter. And it's March 1st!! Oh that sun has been shining all right, deceiving us into believing spring is around the corner. The Mr and I even attended a course on beekeeping last weekend to help us prepare for what is supposed to be a mid-March peek into the hive after the long winter. But so far that just doesn't look like it's going to happen. Arrrrghhh!
To top it off my batch of rosemary soap has been doing funny things during the curing process. I must have poured it too soon as it separated a bit while setting, leaving a soft greasy layer on the top. I was able to take most of it off with the paring knife, and looking down at all the trimmings I realized almost a third of the batch was laying in a pile of gunky slices on the table. Being of the curious sort, I decided to wet a piece just to see if it would lather, and by golly it passed the soap test! So, rather than waste a perfectly good latherable ( that even a word?) pile of sort of soapy chunks, I threw everything in a pot along with a couple tablespoons of water and slowly melted everything down again on low heat. I didn't have a small enough mold to shape everything appropriately, so I sliced up some juice boxes and dumped the works into them, and now we'll wait with fingers crossed. If I'm really lucky, I may end up with an extra fine creamy batch at the end of it all! (I'm also extremely optimistic. Hopefully it won't end up smelling like grape juice.)
Mylo is miserably bored due to the weather. One can only bat at that plastic ball so much before it becomes downright undignified.