The weather has most certainly changed for the better, and Spring has definitely arrived! Blue skies dappled with soft, fluffy, white puffs of smooshiness; green grass; fresh breezes; the sounds of activity clamouring through the neighbourhood as the weather draws everyone outside. Sweet.
We haven't cleaned the yard yet, this wonderful weather has only just arrived. But the tree buds are green and ready to burst open. In fact I'm almost certain that after today the yard will be full of delicate spring leaves.
We have been very busy though. Remember this post? Well that, joined with the fact that our City is home to the Alberta Honey Producers Co-op, and with all the recent media attention surrounding the critical decline in the bee population, really got us thinking. Why not urban beekeeping in our own little backyard? So after extensive research (starting with our local municipal bylaws), in January we headed off to order our first package of bees. When we heard our bees would be arriving last Friday, we were ecstatic and and went to work in frenzied preparation.
And they have arrived. And we were ready. And after a nervous but successful installation process, they appear to be settled and organized. Whew!
Mr Mylo certainly seems to have gained a respect for the little critters. Initially he chased them incessantly, leaping and twisting in the air trying to capture them between his front paws. Although still intently interested, he now approaches with a slow and deliberate caution, I'm sure as a result of having received one or two unanticipated stings!